Planning a trip – Part 5

In Tips, Tricks & Recommendations
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This is fifth part of our blog post series about planning caching trips. See also part 1part 2part 3 and part 4.

This part will cover how we finish the planning.

Caches along the route

Once we have finished adding all the special caches, we use the generated route to find other caches along the way. Or nearby.

We use the Cachetur Assistant, and the map on to do this.

On the picture above, which shows the route for our trip to Vilnius, we can clearly see that it’s only a short detour to grab another cache.

Insertion point on

To get the cache directly into the correct spot in the list, we start by setting the insertion point. This is done by double clicking on the waypoint number of the cache after where we want to insert the new one.

Once that is done, the insertion point is indicated with a dashed blue line.

To figure out which cache to double click on, just hold your pointer over the cache on the map.

After that, you are ready to send the cache to from the Cachetur Assistant.

Order new route calculation, and display it on the map

After we’ve added some new caches, we order a new route calculation.

You will get a notification when it’s done. And then you can simply click the refresh button in the Cachetur Assistant.

Extra information and additional waypoints

Once we are done planning the caches, we look over them one more time and add important information. Like opening hours, pictures for virtuals/webcams (so we know where we have to stand etc) and other useful information (for harder caches).

Sometimes we also need to add additional waypoints, like parking, trailhead etc.

Sometimes it can be helpful to add pictures from previous logs on virtuals/webcams/earthcaches, so you know what to look for when you’re there.

This can be done by uploading pictures to the waypoint on


Once we are done, we print all the plans from We gather everything, including flight tickets, hotel confirmations, maps, bus rotes, other tickets etc. in a binder (for larger trips) or in other ways for shorter weekend trips.

We also print resources from, to help us keep track of any extra earthcaches or virtuals, and keep a log of the trip. This is a huge help when logging the caches several weeks later.

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