The route this day took us from Custer, South Dakota, to Havre, Montana. A long day on the road, with mostly good weather and lots of nice caches.
Approximate time on road/out caching: 13 hours, 35 minutes
Total miles driven: 589 mi / 962,4 km
Total caches found: 22
Total DNF: 1
States visited: South Dakota, Wyoming, Montana
Famous places visited: Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument
Most memorable cache: GC6F9E Military History Series – Little Bighorn Nat. Mon.
Biggest surprise: The huge hotel room
Weather: Cloudy, rain, light clouds, sunny
Highest temperature: 91°F / 32,8°C
Lowest temperature: 51°F / 10,6°C
Early up
Just like the other days on this trip, we started early and left the hotel at 6:15am. Almost no traffic on the road, and nice weather – a perfect start on a long day!
To make it even better, we got a nice bonus find 😀
Border crossing
I really like the state welcome signs, especially the colorful ones. So a stop at GC624QV Welcome! Which way you going? was obligatory today.
And no way we could leave until we had taken photos of both signs 😀
That’s WY
Since we were ahead of schedule (a nice thing about starting early), we decided that we had time to stop by more bonus-caches. We also made sure to stop by a visitor center, to pick up a Wyoming flag.
A quick detour
We love finding virtual caches, so even though this day would be long anyway, we just had to put GCJ29A The Fort McKinney Overlook on our plan.
Another border crossing
A couple caches, and many more miles, later, we cross another border. This time into Montana. We were not the only ones that wanted to stop here, too bad there’s no cache at this sign.
Another virtual
The second, and last, virtual of the day was GC6F9E Military History Series – Little Bighorn Nat. Mon. We didn’t read the name or the description enough to know that this was a fee site until we got here, but luckily for us, our annual pass worked here as well 😀 A lot of muggles around, but since this is a virtual, we didn’t have to care about them.
Tanks and motorcycles
This day is more about driving than it is about caching, but we still managed to find a few. Another cool spot was GC2AXRP The tanks are coming! and the nearby skeleton on a motorcycle.
The weather wasn’t the best anymore, but we managed to do all we wanted before it started raining. And the rain didn’t last very long.
It’s been a long drive
Once we left the interstate, we had significantly longer to drive between the caches. Simply because there weren’t any more caches to find along the road. So when we finally returned to civilization, we decided that we needed a bonus find.
Largest hotel room of the trip
We arrived in Havre more than one hour ahead of schedule, so we had time to explore the hotel a bit. And we almost needed that time just to explore our room. It’s one of the largest hotel rooms we’ve ever had! We even had our own washer and dryer! The crazy part, it was the cheapest room available (all rooms had the same price).