US Trip 2018 – Day 28+ – Going home

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This was sadly the last day of the trip, and we had to fly back home. But we made sure to find a couple caches near the airport first, as we always do when flying from Denver.

Approximate time from hotel to home:  23 hours
Total miles driven (Denver): 37.7 mi / 60,67 km
Total cahes found: 42 (Denver) + 1 (Norway)
Total DNF: 0
States/countries visited: Colorado, Iceland, Norway
Most memorable cache: GC2KKWC Mondo’s NAT # 060 – Atchatchakangouen (last cache of the trip)
Biggest surprise: Getting to fly with Icelandair’s Hekla Aurora 757
Weather: Sunny (Denver), rain (Norway)

A late start

We hadn’t planned much this day, so we used the time we needed to get some breakfast, get (almost) everything back into the car and get ready to leave. We didn’t leave until 10:30am.

We brought most with us, but had to leave the SnowSand racer disc behind. Wonder if anyone has found it yet…

Our regular Denver routine

Since we usually leave Denver in the afternoon, and have some time to kill, we usually end up finding caches along the trails around the airport. We did the exact same today. Beautiful weather, easy caches, almost no traffic, and a very nice way to end another epic roadtrip.

Returning the rental car

After changing from caching clothing to travel clothing, parked on the side of the road (just like we did in Alaska), it was time to return the car.

Hekla Aurora

Even though we had plenty of time at the airport, it didn’t feel like very long. And it was a nice surprise when we got to board the very colorful TF-FIU, Icelandair’s Hekla Aurora.

We have come full circle

Landing at 6am doesn’t really do good on the jet lag, but we always end up with jetlag when flying home anyway 😛 The Keflavik airport was just as busy as always, but we were lucky enough to find a place to sit down.

It was eventually time to board for the last time on this trip, and it was a bit funny when we boarded the flight to Bergen from the exact same gate as we boarded the flight to Anchorage four weeks ago 😛

It’s raining, big surprise

The weather in Bergen was exactly like we expected it to be. It was raining. But we arrived on time, safely with all our luggage intact. And we’ve had an absolutely epic trip. So I guess we can’t complain that much…

Since we only had American caches in the GPSr, we had to do some quick reloading in the car before we could start driving home.

We only needed one

We only needed to find one cache, to have at least one find every day of the trip, and GC741HC Bråtveit Bedehus was the one on our list. Then it was time to get home and see if we could battle the jet lag and stay up for a few hours more…


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