To år senere 6 images Etne 5. januar 5 images Earthcache 10th birthday 4 images Fitjar 11. januar 13 images Event i Mr.Jacobsens hule 10 images 7. til 9. februar 2014 - Techevent Stavanger 8 images Jæren 2014 19 images 1. mars - Skudeneshavn & Åkra 10 images Bergen 22. og 23. mars 43 images Danmark PT - Påsken 2014 120 images CITO Weekend 2014 60 images Tur til Norges første megaevent 92 images Oppå bakkar og berg ut med havet 2014 10 images Towel Day 2014 37 images Pinsen 2014 32 images Hyttetur til Løkjelsvatnet juni 2014 40 images Savalen 2014 92 images Valdres 25. til 27. juli 2014 36 images Iceland August 2014 36 images Geocoinfest Europe 2014 130 images Fumble After Dark 2014 40 images US Trip 2014 - First days in Seattle 35 images US Trip 2014 - The big event weekend 35 images US Trip 2014 - On the road to Yellowstone 53 images US Trip 2014 - Yellowstone 133 images US Trip 2014 - The quest to Mingo 153 images US Trip 2014 - From Perryton to Prescott 93 images US Trip 2014 - A Grand Day 59 images US Trip 2014 - From Page to Hanksville 60 images US Trip 2014 - The scenic route 63 images US Trip 2014 - From Bryce to Zion 37 images US Trip 2014 - From Zion to Richfield 38 images US Trip 2014 - An elevated experience 60 images US Trip 2014 - From Arch to Canyon 59 images US Trip 2014 - And Now for Something Completely Different 20 images US Trip 2014 - Reaching a major milestone 45 images US Trip 2014 - A journy to the top of the world 46 images US Trip 2014 - The long way to Denver 39 images US Trip 2014 - The last days in Denver 29 images